Wednesday, July 1, 2009


hello , seems like my blog is dead right? haha okay the past two days was awesome. Back in school but seems like more H1N1 cases rite? i really think they should close down the airport system. Look at how complacent singaporeans are.... they didn't close down the airport and when there was little cases we didn't stop people from coming to singapore. haiyo now have to take temperature and stuff like dat. it seems like pre lims are coming too early. :( i'm still missing Michael Jackson . I was thinking why would i miss him when i'm not that of a fan of him? Well I guess growing up with fans in the house seems to make you feel sad. But i really feel like crying abt his lost when i hear his sad songs. oh well , too emotional abt someone whom i never met hehe. Wow the world shared the lost of Elvis Presley, Princess Diana and Michael Jackson. well i guess i don't have much to talk but the latest news that i care about :D. bye

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