Monday, December 28, 2009


Sorry i have no pics of Batam. Have to wait for kakak to upload it.

Well Since Irzzat wanted to read my blog, i'll update and also for the sake of my bloggie,
I left her for 3 days ):
So Batam was damn funn. We took a ferry there then after tht settled down in the hotel room.
not gonna elaborate that much but The Beach was damn fun.
We played with star fishes and the sea level was constant.
So we definitely had fun.
Yesterday reached Singapore 2pm.

But later on ard 8 pm, watched Singapore Idol!
I voted for Sezairi Around 11 times . Crazy me but it was worth it rites?

He won Singapore Idol.
Right in your face Sylvia.
Sylvia was so damn confident she'd win. You can see from her face
But Sezairi won. Me & mummy screamed so loud (:
I was darn scared tht Sylvia would win cause Sylvia has so many fans ,
But i did my part and i was so glad tht most people voted for him (:
Tomorrow Mummy's birthday.
Idk wht to give her

The next day, Kim invited me to go watch movie but, I might not be able to go
see first lah kaes.


Anyways, My phone is officially spoiled. If you want to

contact me, I'll be online.


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