Thursday, December 31, 2009

Bye 2009 ~

Danny Jones :D

Decided to put up Danny's pic
cause , i've been downloading so many danny pic.

Today started out as a cool day. Went to Aunt's to cut hair.
While waiting , watched Avatar. It was okay ah, I mean just a simple movie which overall
trying to say is to save up trees, i think.

Well i could say my hair is short.
But not regretting anything yet except for the fringe part.

But it will grow into a healthier hair, i think.
Well Yesterday was suppose to watch Alvin and the Chipmunks.

Even though fifi booked for us, we were suppose
to come 30 minutes earlier but then our seats were realesed so , FUCK YOU GOLDEN VILLAGE.
We decided to go and watch Sherlock Holmes.
It was nice B)
But i still wanna watch Alvin & the Chipmunks

Irzzat, Suriandi & Hakim was suppose to come.
But they got takraw practice.(aww)

After Movie, we went to the library.
Camwhore there
It was suppose to be L,O,V,E
But fuck.
I only love the background.
Should say i miss my hair/fringe.
Hope my hair grows before school re-open.
bla bla.
First day of school, meeting up with awesome peoples ^^
Then gonna go to lakeside.

Wow, time flies .
Next year, won't be celebrating Children's day anymore :C


da lah, i need to go and brag about how short my hair/fringe is.

You see, the thing about Adults is,
You ask them to cut your fringe not too short, they will agree,
but it ends up being short . hmph -_____-


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