Saturday, May 8, 2010

No-balls Guy B)

I'm officially SUPER HAPPY

Madrasah was F.U.N

Iqra was bullshit. Hanis & Farah didn't come.
I'm like alone so I was like WTF?

Went up the lift with Ustaz & Zafira. Saw Farah assemble with classmates.
I was HAPPY to see her.
At class was suppose to do this Project thingy so I was
Active. I kept walking here and there to take Marker.
Fahmi suddenly want to throw marker at me.

I was like WTF?
He didn't but instead he throw it to Farah.
He suddenly talk to me. He took my marker and I was like
WTF? then he give me but He's friend snatched it away then
I said : No balls guy.
And Fahmi was shocked, LOLS

Recess went to Fork & Spoon.
Heard Sezairi's song played from the Tevee.
I kinda talked loudly I guess.
Aidil turned and I pointed to him the Tevee and mouthed "Sezairi"
He kinda laughed, LOLS.

After that, at class another project given.
I kept on disturbing Raney. I was like, laughing at him
because of his gay specs and he got pissed.
I said he's drawing was ugly. Then Fahmi wrote this note to Farah
that said " YOU ASS"

I wrote back to Fahmi "YOU NO-BALLS GUY"
Ustazah asked him who wrote that, he stared at me and covered me up
by saying he wrote it. I laughed then he said, " I know you did it"

Lols! Then after that, Ustazah told us to salam our friends when want to go home.
Raney and Fahmi want to go home very fast and Raney like suddenly
held his hand out to Farah. I was like " You're suppose to salam guys!"
Then we laughed cause he paiseyh.
I told ustaz that Raney feeling perempuan. Then Ustaz laughed!

Wow, Madrasah is officially one of the best reasons I waste my Saturday :)

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