Thursday, June 3, 2010


Look at what I found when I cleaned up my room!
LEO the lion!

I remember this guy!!
My brother bought this for me on my 9th birthday just because They didn't have
a present for me. He picked a lion cause my horoscope is Leo.
So I name this guy, LEO!

Anyways, today I felt guilty for not going to band because I wasn't feeling well.
So tomorrow, I hope I have enough energy to go to BAND!
And I want to get Corby PRO by this year.

I'll get you!! Lols, then when I get it, I'll change the back to my old Yellow cover
If it fits cause I love YELLOW.
But I doubt my dad will allow me to buy it.
But we'll see what happens, if anything happens to my corby baby,
I'll get corby pro. (:
I'm making plans already.

(" I love yellow and lions")

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