Saturday, November 20, 2010

I know you guys feel like punching me. (yet I'm still smilling -.-)
I've finally taken the liberty to update my blog after 123456789 days.
Thanks to tinkerbell, I've finally updated since she told me to do so just now.
Today whole day is Religious class. No Farah = Boring.
But, in the morning class, I had Hanis and Fifi.
In the afternoon class I had Fifi but she dosen't care much about me so i don't give a shit,
When I checked my phone, I saw 2 missed calls, and when I checked it, it was from my bestie ever,
Awesome isn't it?
I quickly called her back and then she wanted to meet me near 399.
So I went out of the mosque (since it was our recess time) and I FINALLY saw my bestie.
Last time I saw her was through her house door, I was passing her money.
But I saw her in person TODAY. YAY ME.
Happy girl is me.
We basically shared lots of stories since i guess it's been a long time since we've last sit down together and
really had an interesting conversation. y'know, those conversation that just changes from topic to topic.
Yeah, I missed those times we could sit down together and just never stop talking.
Okay, I basically went to class late but the teacher still haven't come in yet so I'm safe. :)
Then all in all, the class ended with a mini test and i was like "WTF?"
But I answered all questions since it was super duper easy.

I know you guys want to punch me for not updating for a very long time. and I apologise for it,
it's just that I find that nobody bothers anymore. Nobody bothers of what I do at the computer anymore,
Nobody bothers to chat with me, nobody bothers to even like update my notifications at fb and nobody fucking bothers to ask me questions on formspring so I've finally decided to off my comp and play the xbox360 all day long. So I basically did not go online for around 3 weeks?
And seriously, not much had changed. It's seriously dumb. 

Speaking of xbox360 I've persuaded my father to buy me a m18 game which i've playing for the past few years. And he kept telling me that I'm not yet 18 and I shouldn't play games like this.
But seriously he was the one who bought us the first series of the game. So I guess, I'm addicted to the game.
The most AWESOME GAME IN THE WORLD. Well of course since it's a uk made game. Obviously a good game. Oh and I bought the limited edition which come with a deck of poker cards thats custom made and a flip coin for your evil or good decisions and also a bookmark. how aweome?

But yeah I basically played xbox360 like ALOT.
Oh and I'd love to have the fable xbox360 controller
Cute or what? Shit I want. I doubt it sells in Singapore. Fuck it.
Apart from wanting this, I really want a camera and I should start with having a Holga.
I'm thinking of getting a holga, but Where to get eh? I only know the jp shop near Ljs. 
But the holga has to be a multi coloured holga since the multi-coloured holga has YELLOW in it.

I love the Yellow because it's soo bright and beautiful like a ray of sunshine.
Anyways, if you're interested in getting me one will you please do so :)
Hahaha, I thick skin sia. Okay anyways, my friend offered me an SS3 Ticket which is the $158 ticket.
Should I ask my mummy, cause I don't really want to go, because i know my
mummy won't let me have it but I just want to go to see them all, not only Donghae.
But I'll have to give her an answer by 23rd. Oh well, I guess I won't have an easy sleep for today.
Omg, how to dream of Donghae,Jonghyun,Junho,Junsu and Yunho?

Anyways, I might have a thought of just closing down this old bloggie since it's not doing much progress
and not many people bothers to read about me anyways. I should just close down this bloggie or 
easier, throw the fucking laptop away, nobody bothers about how i'm doing or just
throw away my phone also. I guess i'll have more peace -.-

I know this post might have been a retarded post but seriously, I just find that people don't bother about me anymore, no more chats, no more wall posts, no more msges so I'm thinking, why bother to online 
when I can actually entertain my self rather than to wait for things that's not gonna come.
I'd rather be isolated then to be left there to wait for you guys. I know I'm braging but I seriously don't intend to do so. It's just I feel really left out when people don't chat with me or msg me anymore since the holidays started and also The holidays are putting me down alot. It's all making me depressed. People only come into contact with me when they want something from me. Fuck you.
Well I'm not refering to anyone specifically but I'm just, sad. I'm sad and I feel angry at everyone. Even my friends. Don't bother to call me, don't bother to msg me, don't bother to chat up with me, don't bother to ask me. I might as well let my prepaid expire and just enjoy life by myself. for now I just want to be alone. You guys don't bother about me. Go care about yourselfs okay?
Oh please, I insist, just don't bother about me anymore. Thank you.

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