Monday, January 3, 2011

School :'(

School, the most fun / boring part of our life.
Hey I'm pretty excited for tomorrow.
Finally can see friends and walk around school 
I can say that i miss getting scolded. :/
I know that school definitely makes me less lazy. But I'm excited to go see the sec 1 students.
Weheeee, Hanis says that they're actually okay.
Hahaha, Ezrin we'll find you someone. :)
I've just realised that this holiday, I've actually enjoyed it. :)
 Okay, well I spent  my time with family but hey, it was okay.

Ate with Family.
Went to Ayat's fancy graduation thingy.
 14 December concert
 ECP with family

Overnight at Uda's house at Malaysia.

And to kick off the start of this New year, mum decided to go and have fun with the rest of the family at ECP

Oh yeeeeeeeah, I had fun. :)
But I still don't want to go to school.
But I miss wearing the uniform. Ah, okay I wanna go to school :)
Hehehehe, okay, Y'know what, gonna have a mini night chat with my bestest friend ever, FARHANAH
And then have a night's rest and go get ready for, school school school! Wohooooo.
Okay, I'm a bit over happy.
Heh, kay bye.

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