Friday, July 22, 2011

The awesomest of the awesome

The awesomest of the awesome~

I know, I know, you guys must be thinking, "Oh god she must be dead for not updating." 
Must I apologise for my laziness? 
Okay then, Sorry fellow readers for not updating and ranting about my life story.

Things has been going VERY well. School and stuff. I love my class (except for some annoying people)
But I've loved my friends even more.
Anyways, I've been caught for having brown/red hair. 
If you teachers say my hair is brown, it is still acceptable but RED?! 
Woah, I have never dyed my hair red EVER. I swear I get particularly annoyed when 
teachers ask me why my hair is red. RED. I'll go like "Ermm, it's red? oh, Idk."
Anand says that he wants to call my dad but my dad seems to get no calls from him O.O
Oh, but who cares anyways. 
Back to my class.

Class has been fun, we all practically got closer due to the Sec 2 Edventure camp.

God, I miss Tanjung Piai, Addam & Ray :'(
We're all seriously closer now.
.Me,Ezrin,Achul,Hairi,Pearlynn, Elaine & Farhanah.
Class is crazy, we turn into animals even when the teachers are around.
The only lesson I really enjoy are DnT & PE. 
I swear I just sleep in most of my lesson, ESPECIALLY ENGLISH.
I think we seriously need to go hang out together or something.
During the sec2 camp, Pearlynn was not yet accepted in my class due to her sec1 class, 1B
And Achul didn't go cause of stupid soccer match BUT it ended up that, it got cancelled. 
Achul got super bumped out over it. Naise~

Me & my Sayang, Hanis Dhaniyah are GREATER than ever!
We attempted to study with Ezrin & Hairi during the mid year exams and it turns out that
I was the only person that studied. Dang it. But I still didn't pass my geog -.-

In Band, everything in band sucks, LITERALLY!
I swear the last time I actually enjoyed band was during speech day, my half happy and sad moment.
Even typing this out makes me feel solemn and sad about our seniors leaving.
I miss Jun Wern as my Band Major, I miss Asyiqin as my Drum Major, I miss Ivan as my Secretary.
I miss Jingxi as my cuhrayzee Section Leader, I miss Eugene as my "Guai Lan" Senior/Assistant SL
I miss Gilda as my Welfare and my triple 'S'; Super Skilled Senior. 
Shilin & Jiayi, great and crazy combo to just cheer your band time~ I swear during the time where
the seniors were with us, it was like the bandroom was dimmed and we were in our own land of music
and now it's just a bandroom and will always be 'just a bandroom' :(
I kinda miss getting praised infront of the seniors by Mr Chua, 
I miss admiring Jingxi & Gilda play either Bass or Snare drum. 
Ermmm, I didn't really admire Eugene when he plays the Timpani. Sorry Eugene :/
But now after playing the Timpani once, I WANT EUGENE TO COME BACK AND TEACH ME!
I have so many things to rant about band but not today since it's already 12. 
I'll tell you guys what happened during 20th July. 
After school me & syg went to go and catch the football match along with Hairi, Ezrin, Sulaiman, Syakirah, Diyana and Jimmy. 
I practically don't know anyone in particular BUT me and Hanis's idea was to go there and laugh at people
which we did! (lol) And we accidentally made fun of Kevin's father without knowing until Jimmy told us.
Ezrin totally dissed me and Hanis when he's with Jimmy :( (my bestfri no longer Jimmy, It's Jun Xian)
Lucky enough Hairi and Leman was there to entertain us. :) 
The match was okay? But glad to tell you guys that we won 1-0 to Siglap and we're headed for the finals
Omg, can you believe this shit?! Finals!
I'm not as excited as I sound like actually. :P
Otw back home, crapped with everyone EVEN Ms Ain. Hahaha she so cute, (like me :P) 

Went home with Sulaiman, Hairi and syg. Syg wanted to take 178 so we stopped at greens, played the swing then syg went home. Hairi has been sending me home nowadays since Hanis told him too if not he's gonna die the next day.
Syg is so nice to me, and Hairi too. Ezrin went home waaay before that cause he stays at Boon Lay.

Today? Nothing much I guess?
Anyways our instructor for Rugby (which is a sport I hate) is called Hady or Hadi or could be Hadeee(?)
reminds me ALOT of Addam in the way that he instantly gets friendly with us. \(^-^\)
Which is GREAT! Hahaha, just now Rugby fun like Asdjfhk!$! But I still dislike Rugby and guys who play Rugby. Just a, no no no no (Tarmizi style)
I didn't go to band and when Sunny told me about what happened and that she got scolded in particular
which made me feel bad to leave her. I felt like I could've done something to actually help them.
Don't bother asking why I didn't come.
I'll be missing out on the band practices since Tuesday I won't be coming either :'( 
and I WILL apologise profusely to Sunny despite her saying "It's Okay :)" 
No, it is not okay. I let that perverted Tan scold my section TWICE when I wasn't around.
This is NOT going to happen AGAIN. 

Okay Today, which is Friday(instantly sings 'Friday'), there's gonna be a photo taking session and I'm not the least bit sure if I should be excited :/ hrmmm, it'll end up me being jumbled up somewhere else cause I'm tall. :(
Wait! Got Pearlynn!

I shall apologise due to my lack of post for the past 4 months.
And one post isn't going to make up for it SO, I will TRY MY VERY BEST to actually post like how I used
to when I was in primary school, which was almost everytime. O.O
Oh and yes I got back with Danny Jones. My lover forever.

And Vito Scaletta from Mafia 2 is my scandal no. 2 cause he is cool B)
(I know he's a damn cartoon but he's cute)

Don't bother finding out who my scandal is. :P

Here's a picture of me in Farhanah's wardrobe. It's an ugly photo so I'll make it small:

k, Gdnight guys. :)

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