Tuesday, November 3, 2009

answering machine on replay

Today school was okay lah. after assembly straight to the music room. then after that was P.E and we practice for captain ball. First mdm triangular boobs dumb go bring us at the parade square cause she thought the other P6 classes going to do mass run, then we go up back, gendeng rite? ah neh mind. Well as expected our team won. and the random team lost cause they dumb go choose jafar as captain and mushroom tried to run but well, too slow for our team rites? i've been putting up hayle's picture rite? cause i already have new folders of her hair.. i have my sources ;D And btw, Congrats to both my friends and hope you last long :D ouh so Fifi we know your secret so please watch your back loser... after mother toungue, which was super lame, we came back to the music room and watched ice age. then at 12 we persuaded ms ang to bring us to the library to watch cause they have to use the music room for idk wht reason. Then went up to take our bag and spent around 4-3 mins in the class to lepak. then we went home. i didnt lepak at yanah's block cause kim has to go home early. Went home and was bored like fcuk. my bro also play x box 360 until he didn't even ralise i was at home. It sucks now tht my mum is
working. Have to cook your own food. Ah neh mind i will survie. well tomorrow is going to be a long day, with the lame talk coming up. so yeah , its gonna be full of shit tht will be stuffed in my ears. will be ending here since i have to sleep. bye

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