Thursday, November 5, 2009

soft untrusting words

Hey guys! Look at Hayley!! she dyed her hair blonde which sucks. I think she's trying to be like Gwen stefani.. i really miss her red hair. Today was excursion. Omni theathre was a HUGE and wonderful place but the "movie" played was so lame. its abt Bears. hrmm, not tht fun rites? well we were the first class to not make havoc when we came out of the room but Ms Ang decided to let us be the last class to go to McDonald. we got pissed off and the thing tht i was really angry abt is tht, we cant even wear Jackets in the science centre cause "its not part of the school uniform" Bullshit! then we kept on mentioning tht its cold but still the bitch won't let us use. Fuck her. While going down the stairs she didnt want to hear any noises. But being the bitch i am, i stomp my feet and she kinda got tht irritated look on her. so fucking gay rite? I kept on rolling my eye when she was talking abt the time we should assemble but then even before she finished, everyone started to wake away. we couldn't even eat. we only ate Hashbrown which didn't satisfy my very hungry belly. After tht we get to lepak and go wherever we want to go. i still like the flying board shit. While waiting for the bus,we talk to some strange kid from another school who mentioned tht his mother was working at lakeside. we asked for his mother's name and he said it was "Marini". then me and kim was like " Eh sial ah, mdm Marini son ah". we told almost everyone. when we reach school i noticed syafiqah standing close to Nual and decided to go there. Nual lost her phone. She didnt have the courage to tell Pissang. so i told her. then Surprisingly, she scolded me, as if i lost my phone. then she started stressing on the school rules for not brining hp, then i got irritated i said " Fine, if you don't want to help never mind, I was just trying to help someone!" and obviously i walked away. After school, we went to fifi's house. We didn't do the "project" but instead we watched , another cinderella story. which was fun. then we ate ice cream with cookies crushed ( tht was hanis's idea) We went home around 4.15 ouh and before we went home we played her guitar but we just played like crazy people. anyways now at home bored and my comp screen is flashy-flashy which is irritating, i think i'm going to repair it. But have to tell my Father. oh well. Bye and pls Tag more.
P.S i hate Hayley's hair colour, I want it to be red Again! Wht do you guys think?

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