Saturday, December 12, 2009

i love tht Hayley pic (:

HELLO!!! This days have been going out with family.
wahh 10 more days for the school results. I want it to come faster but i dunt want the holiday to end.tapi mendak ah. stayy kat umah jee. gemuk jugek aku -.-
Anyways Haneyy dosen't want to be frens with me ): and i just found out that

MAZIDANISH - has a blog lols.

These days i cant sleep early, which suckks
cause i'll always wake up late espicially when people are msg-ing me. But at least i msg msg then i sleep (: but i have this habbit to hear songs
before i fall asleep.

Today ate breakfast outside. Saw Cikgu Rashidah but actually she saw me first. So i went up
to her and salaam her. My mum talked to her abt my results and blah blah.
after tht, went cash converters for no damn reason. Actually, i was just enjoying the MJ song
tht was being played.
Me & eldest bro, played the weighing machine then we laughed at his weight lols. i know, Childish


seriously missing Kimberly, since she didn't have a chance to go out with us on Tuesday.
so, my bro like despo want play the comp, so i have to go.

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