Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Calling people stupid is a crime to me~

Today started out as a boring day. hrmm, not much to say since i'm in a bad mood.
Yesterday was fun.

Met up with Kim downstairs then hugged each other like some lesbo.
then met up with mimi & fifi.
We took our PSLE cert then lepak skejaps. We hang out at 399.

Waited for Yanah , Hanis & Afee to come.
chat chat, then went home. Hanis & Afee send us home.
At home, my brother went to play soccer so my father ajak me & mummy go JP
but i didn't buy anything.
After tht picked up brother from home then go to McDonald at TJ and enjoyed the food. Went home and sang in the car with bro. So basically i went out the whole day.
Hey guys, I just found out tht

PARAMORE - is coming to Singapore next year, March 7th!!!


but why so happy ain? You can't even go there. lols
anyways, i just changed the songs .
1st song - The Sats
2nd&3rd songs - McFly
thts all.
people, pls tag (:

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