Saturday, December 19, 2009

its obvious

Okay, I've been downloading Frankie pics (:
I got her new pics and her pics when she wasn't famous.
After S Club 8 , she didn't had anything to do, so she enjoyed her life.
She had a punk chic's hair.


and tht Corby, is mine (:
I should really share with you guys Frankie's pic cause
I got nothing much to update about.

S Club 8 moments;
Life past S Club 8;The Saturdays ;
Hanis & Afee went to camp and Kim has performance i think. ):
Me alone.
But currently chatting with irzzat.
well actually thts all i can give you.
My two best buds wanna help me save up for my new phone (:
but idk about my brother. but heck care. thx guys (:

Having the urge to cut my hair. Irzzat asks me to cut my hair tomorrow
but i'll miss my hair(:
but it will still end up to be long.
I promise my mummy tht i wont cut it after this one but
maybe sec2 i cutting again :D

okays so just now, went out early in the morning to go buy my brother's book.
Went to JVS and it was okay. i mean they're using the boon lay sec sch.
Then ate breakfast.

After tht played GTA IV
then plurked for Hanis and lil' bro.
I'm waiting for Kimmy and Afee to update their blog cause i'm bored and i want to read their blog. But Afee obviously cant blog now.
someone spammed Afee's blog. aww.
Plurk was okay but kinda lazy to join even Kimmy ask me to join.
wanna end it here, since i wanna watch more vids.

and tag more kaes? Please , for me (:

' -AIN(:

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