Wednesday, December 23, 2009

new school~

Would love to have that type of hair in terms of hairstyle and hair colour
but I'm cutting my hair soon.

Anyways. Today i woke up happily since my phone was fully charged
And i even woke up by myself (: My parents didn't have to wake me up.
After getting ready, had breakfast and daddy was pissed because my shoes isn't clean.
Me and mummy just ignored.

Reached school went to class to register then try on the t-shirt size.
Then went up to hall. Principal Syawal breifed us about the school and blah blah blah.
I just admired the School logo (:
Then went to class, Got 1N1 (:
Sat beside this chinese guy. I didn't talk to him but suddenly he talked to me.

So we started having this cool convo about schools.
He got 189 and i got 186!
So unfair.
Hanis went to 1A nerd class but look at the bright side red bunny. i'll be going the same CCA as you.
Mummy wasn't that happy i was going for concert band. She wants me to go for Uniform group

After the whole blah blah at class went downstairs.
Met up with parents there. Daddy took book list and bought the books me & mummy went to fitting room to try on the clothes, then que up for the purchase of uniform.
The new PE tshirt is soo cool (:
I really cant wait to be a sec1 and have fun but at the same time study too!

The first week is orientation week.
The first thursday , We'll overnight at school. hope my class partner with Hanis's class but fat chance ahh, lols
After tht went home. Played GTA IV. Then played comp.

After tht visited my grandma from daddy's side at the hospital.
Then Went to grandma's house from mummy's side to chit chat with her.
Then at home helping mummy clean the house so that we'll be ready tomorrow.

This is where i bid farewell.

-' AiN(:

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