Tuesday, December 22, 2009

hrmm, haircut please?

Frankie's old pic.

Well i wanted to put up a Hayley pic couldn't decide on which.
But who cares.

Today woke up early in the morning excited bout the school result.
I couldn't sleep the whole night.
It was about 9am tht i realise the results should be out. My dad should have sent the msg.

So i got pissed off tht i didn't have my school results.
I asked Hanis and i was so happy for her tht she got Jurongville.
I was smiling for her.

Then i went to mummy. I told her tht Hanis got into JVS. She asked me, " Then you wanna know wht school you get, check ma phone "

I did and guess what???


People, I got into Jurongville along with Hanis, Ameer & Sulaiman. thts the only people i know
tht went to Jurongville.
I can see Haneyy & Suhailah everyday and Rabiah.
lalala. You dont know how happy i was.
well actually i'm still happy

at least i can see one Mazidah member in JVS and the other one in Madrasah
but the other 2 no hope ):
So Today went out with Family to Jp buy stuff and eat.
Msg-ed Irzzat along the way until now.

Going to the same school as brother is so funn!
I laughed at my brother cause i got my first choice while he didn't (:


I have to buy Hanis Ice cream and Kimmy Chocolate.
Guess the both of you are right.
Such an unexpected thing just happened

I can bet to all of you going to JVS, the temporary school sucks.

-' AiN(:

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