Friday, January 8, 2010

Just fuck off

Is Danny trying to show something else ?^^

Yay! Finally camp over. I had enough "OI's" . Tomorrow
CCA fair, pfft.Lazy uhhs.
But still i have to go.
I wanna see pinafore girl!

Today Camp, lazy to exaggerate
After camp, went to Jp with Hanis and Syaiful.
Met up with Afee at LJS.

After that looked around at Action City, played with stuff in there.
then took bus 30 with Hanis & Afee since Syaiful took another bus.
Craped with the both of them.

Seriously Afee is becoming more evil than me .
We decided to stop at lakeside.
Went in lakeside since Me and Hanis were suppose to take
The Eagles award (:
Took back home with me a $150 cheaque

Afee & Hanis walked me home.
Went home shower then play comp. Decided not to sleep.

Seriously, there's this guy i'm pissed off with. Kept on
msg-ing me. Have to try to get express so can change class (:

HATE HATE HATE THAT GUY. got weird voice hahaha.
Dah, i going to ignore him all the way.

But if cannot tahan, I call my brother, Simple

sorry, not impress with guys shorter than me , thinks he's 'cool' and has this funny voice.


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