Sunday, March 28, 2010

Awesomeness \m/

Sorry I didn't update since I was LAZY!

Yeterday was super awesome
Iqra towards the end was awesome.
Went recess with

FINALLY came early and showed off
to ustazah.
Ustaz didnt come which means it suck but it didnt really sucked
cause we did this test and we kinda copied from each other.
The 2nd test was hard and I decided to copy from the book then msged farah the
answer. Damiah sent me a msg about one of the question .

At night decided to go to
Shahrul's concert since last year i couldn't make it.
Begged mummy to go with me and she did.
We went there and had to suffer AES choir.
After choir was finally AES band.

They were
okay but the last song i could say attracted a lot of people.
It was Smoke On the Water.
DUHH! Lots of people would definitely Love that.
My eldest brother was like
" Eh who's that guy in the middle? I like him ah. He's like standing there dancing haha, I want to be him (: "

He was talking about the
conductor lols!
Then he started dancing.
Saw this old guy dancing super happy like hell.
LOLS! Kecoh lah.

After they performed went to see
Shahrul. Took pics with him and Family,
Then sat there with bro, then went of to Kopitiam.
Had late night snacks then took brothers van instead of dad's car.
Pak long, Mak long, Kak Marni & Abg Isz (-____-)
Went along with us.
Sent them home then after they went home. Went inside van and started singing
with bro.
Saw this cool red car which is fast?
Thats what my brother told me.

Heck care. Went home and waited for parents for the food.

Ate mac then watch documentary, by then it was already 12.
Decided to sleep since The whole day i went out.
And today surprisingly I woke up at 8 am.

TAG TAG TAG please!

-'Ain 10

"you are twisting your own thoughts"

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