Friday, March 19, 2010

Long post?

Drawn by

Last weeks drawing.
well, I'm super duper lazy to update.
But I'll try my very best to make it a long but "FUN" post.

well lets see.
Today, woke up late and had to rush.
Got pissed off with mum and i quickly chase after 154.
Was standing there like one idiot late for band,
Farhanah and she told me to go to Band room, which i was about to.

Hanis saw me and was like " Hahaha, Ain late for Band"
My sayang so childish.
Went inside bandroom and saw
Batrisya & Min Hui standing there like some idiot, so i joined them,
YAY! I'm an
idiot. -.-

stood there and the senior ask us to greet
Mr Chua.
but we didn't.
Helped Haidil to do the sound effects for the
song for speech day.

Teacher kinda made fun of us.
We stand there when suddenly alot of seniors came in to do a rehearsal.
I was like, " We should be leaving you know"
Then Mr chua made us practice on how to hit the drum and stuff.
The last 15 minutes, Mr Chua dissapeares so we rested.
So tired of standing.

After that, waited for
Hanis then walked to JP to meet Kim,
(Sounds like normal school days right?)
well, walked with
Haneyy and I was being crazy. She seemed
shocked and I was like "
You've forgotten how crazy I am?"
Walked to JP then said bye to her,
Lepak with Kim for a while then went to Grandma's house.

Well, I just ate

Lets talk about Yesterday.

Yesterday I had Solidworks.
and then after Solidworks was damn crazy with
Made a Yo-yo and brought it back,
Met up with
Hanis at school then met up with,
Kim, Shannon & Crystal. Went to eat at KFC and crapped.
Syafiq sat with us for a while and it was a mistake to look at his phone.

After that, went to
Taman Jurong \m/
Lepak at CC then we played dare?
We dared
Farhanah to say " Hot sia that guy" To this dancers. She kinda said it at the end
so you guys might wanna skip.
I have a video of it.

Then we dared
Hanis to ermm, Disturb the cleaner?
But then she was laughing, she bend down and her
phone fell off
from her pocket.
We were at the 4th floor and her phone droped to level 1.
I have a video of that too, but it's not so clear.
Is just that you can see
Hanis and Shannon picking up things at level 1 and you can see Hanis disturbing the uncle.

We were concerned about
Hanis's phone and so Kimberly helped her buy super glue.
It started to rain
Then after the rain kinda stopped, sent
Farhanh and Shannon to the bus-stop with Kim.
Waited for 98 with them then went home.

Tag please! I'm desperate for tags

-'Ain 10

Abg Isz cracks me up big time.

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