Sunday, June 13, 2010


' You don't need me anw. (: '

Those words tore my heart apart.
Wahh, since when I said I don't need you.I was always with you since end of P5 - P6
And in JVS, the first term without you felt like hell.
But well, since you have your new friends, we've not known each other
quite well and we even got into an argument.
Oh well, today went off to my Aunt's house cause they have something on.
Finally have family meeting. I saw my newborn nephew!!Well, he's not newly born but so far our new family member.He's so chubby!
Muhammad Hasif Afiq
Had loads of fun with his brother and sister. Today decided to go with Shahrul, Nurul & Ikah.
Usually I'll go with the Kakaks.
But in the end of the day, I argued with Abang Faisal about age?
Weird right?
Brought a new shirt yesterday and I love it so so much (:

I think Jonghyun from SHINee is cool.
he dosen't look like he should be in a boy band.
But I like his voice and hair. He's cool.
He's cool, very cool. Well, I can't leave my Danny Jones, but Jonghyun is so, so
ermm, _ _ _.
Oh well, Danny is 24 and Jonghyun is 20 /:
Oh well, I can cheat on them since I have Anand , Purple shirt guy, Hanis and loads more.
Lols. Jonghyun !!
I think I have a crush on him /:
God, I broke all the rules about korean asses.
Oh well, Jonghyun's MINE!!
Muahaha, and so is Danny Jones!
But Jonghyun is super cool and his hair and voice is nice!
I love Jonghyun's HAIR!


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