Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Me talking ALOT.

Sofina, Farhanah, Hanis, Me, Kimberly.

Darn it, Christal should've been in the picture.
I owe an apology to Afiqah bte Norazmi.
Sorry for all the times I've made you angry, sorry for all the times I've treated you unfairly,
I might have left you with some bad memories of your primary school years,
but I'm sure not all of the times we've spent was actually sour.I want you to know that this apology is
sincere. :) If that's how you phrase up the the sentence.

Well Today, I didn't come to school. I'm sick. And I don't feel good now
But my mom didn't hear the doctor asking for 1 or 2days mc and she thought the
doctor said 1 day mc so she just said one day is fine. -_________-
I feel like dying in here. I don't feel so well. I feel like I can just faint right now.
Today is pretty much Boring. Actually, everyday is boring.
Anyways, finally took time to watch back all the Lion King series.
Lion King, Lion King II - Simba's Pride and Lion King
Very very nice story to watch. I wanted to cry at most part of the scene, but I hold back my tears.
I don't know why. Seriously.
I usually cry at those type of touching stories. 

I'd love to thank Kimberly, for helping me sort out my problem with Afee.
And Afee, I'm really really sorry to have hurt your feelings, but
if you wanted me to say sorry, you could have said that, and plus you don't
have to tell everyone about your problem with me. I mean we can settle it in a much much
nicer way, Like how me, Kim and Hanis did around a month ago. 
And if you were to settle things face to face, I'm sure I'm gonna crack up, so
Don't take me as someone who's just always fierce, it really shows that you've
not met me for a long time. Anyways Idk why I'm remembering those times,
we met up with Syifaa. That's the last SOG outing. I remember I was so close to you on that
day. I was being so emo and then when we were taking neoprints, 
I remember we got too tired waiting, we went to 'play' at the arcade.

Okay, I talk too much. xD
But Afee seriously, I miss those times. I miss those times when SOG was soo close, when
we even cared to contact each other. Oh, how wonderful those memories are.
Sorry for hurting you though. Hope you can forgive me. :)
I accept your apology. (Y)
After all, you are my 'brother' I must accept your apology and must move on with live.

Anyways, I really am talking alot. 
I really didn't remember what happened yesterday. I'm too tired to remember any of them.
But I did remember that Ezrin, Farhanah and me, we bonded and we talked about 
a very important subject/issue/person.
Then Alwin,Farhanah and me, we were laughing our ass off! Like seriously.
Thanks for easing our burden from mdm Tan. 
You rock\m/
Anyways, the teachers have decided that the class tee is going to be YELLOW!!

Anyways, on K-Pop. I'm starting to like Jessica more and more. I mean it's not that
I hated her or what, but I like her it's just that Sooyoung was the first person I thought was pretty.
She my biggest inspiration, Sooyoung is damn tall!
I'm gonna reach her height,
Oh crap, my leg, cramp!!
Stupid leg, seriously.

Anyways, sorry I've changed URL, got lazy to put up the 'RELINK' page
I'm sure none of you are reading this, so I'm gonna leave it up for a long long time.
I've put up The hush sound songs too :)
I uploaded it to Singingbox.
So the song is from my computer. Oh oh, and I've changed skin.
But it's still white and plain white. 
Shobby missed me, Ezrin missed me. I wonder who else missed me, probably Alwin,
He msged me AWWW!
He asked me whether I came to school, I think he knew that I didn't come to school but he just wanted 
to start a topic.

 Okay, My head hurts, My neck hurts and I'm freaking tired.
Must be the Medicine.
I'm sleepy, never slept this early at this term.
Oh well. Anyways I've finished reading my little black dress series ; Forget About It.
It's a romantic story, I'm actually promoting it xD
It's really nice to read but you can get confused if you don'read it properly.

I really want people to pester me to update my blog, that's the reason why I'm making this a long post
basically blabbering about NOTHING! 

Simba!! \m/

Donghae OPPA. Saranghae.
Bye, gonna dream about me riding on the lion that Abang Hafis bought for me on my birthday.
Riding on it then enjoying myself with Family and Friends and my beautiful sisters ; SOG and my Donghae oppa.

Bye :)
Goodnight , sleeptight, dream of bed bugs tonight - Timon, Pumba and Simba.

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