Monday, August 16, 2010

Donghae ^___^

Donghae oppa!!

Did you guys just saw that? 
Donghae oppa just gave me a beatiful rose!
I just find Donghae cute in the MV No Other.
I kept on smilling to myself xD
I swear Donghae is getting hotter and hotter each time I see him in a video. 
He's smile, :D Melts my heart.

Well, I don't feel well but Donghae made me feel slightly better, My block nose is worse.
And for the fact that I'm fasting, I can't use the inhaler :'(
And I think I'm sick.
Donghae is MINE :)

Today at class, Me, Agnes and Alwin, we talked about K-pop and Me and Alwin made fun
Of Dongho. Agnes asked me who I think is the hottest in U-Kiss,
And I was like, "Sorry, I don't like any of them xP"
Alwin said Dongho looks like a Pig. xP
And then Agnes and Alwin looked and my Suju file and was like saying that,
Donghae is the most Handsome guy there. In the file, they were having a photoshoot on
Sorry Sorry, but now, donghae is even HOTTER! Even Zen say that Donghae is hot.
He sounds Gay. Farhanah, I hope you think that Donghae is cute cause not only is he cute, but he's HOT!

I met with Kimberly Today!!
I'm HAPPY! I miss her Alot more nowadays. And I really didn't have the mood to talk on the phone
Plus, my battery is low, Sorry Farhanah.


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