Thursday, October 21, 2010


This is how I feel like. :/ Not happy yet not  sad.

I seriously do not know how to describe what I'm feeling now.
I'm just superr sad with whats going on now. , everything is a mess.
Ah fuck. 
Someone stole my $15.
Okay I hate today ALOT.
Chibai, My mamma and dadda also not helping.
Okay I'm not only pissed at that, there's so many things that I'm pissed at actually.
Fuck everything. I failed maths and geog.
_l_ fuck geography.
Go to hell. Stupid person who steal my money.
Okay, I'm really hopeless now. No mood already. So many things fucked up.
How to smile like this? Chi bai.
I'm not happy with everything, my plans to dye hair now ruined.
How to buy, I don't want to touch my $50 raye money. I saving that for something else.
Eh sial ah, the person who steal my money, FUCK YOU IN YOUR FUCKING ANUS LAH.
Got no money, go save like me ah.

Donghae also not cheering me up, how?
I want buy hair dye and pay for the earrings to kim. Like this how? 
I'll just start saving for kimmy's earrings then.
Fucking asshole. Go steal my money.
I'm angry today, sad today, happy today, pissed today.

Moodswings coming already.
But I can tell you that now I fucking pissed. Jerks all around, stealers can fucking die.
I really want to smile like how I used to.
Gay bitch.
Stupid problems.
I'll just sleep to forget about all this and I hope tomorrow is gonna turn out wayy way better
like how Monday was.

Elaine, why never online? I need my Eunhae partner now. :(
I also need my abang.

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