Wednesday, November 18, 2009

All the best (suckers)


Today was okay at the strt. wasted time then 6C invite us play CB
6C okay lah. we lost by 1 point and we didnt feel like playing.
Interclass game is in 2 days. tomorrow bringing extra clothes to sign the shirts.
Got after school party YAY!! After the match. we got Deepavali
concert. okay lah. And We sarcastic with tht Black bitch who stole
mimi's bf
After tht at class ms ang remind us if we want to bring camera's or Hp must
write letter then can take picture.
i heard tht its gonna be a 1 hour recess tomorrow. so yeah gonna have fun (:
After school tired like fvck.
Nobody was at home so i decided to spent time playing x box 360(:
Then watch Singapore Idol.
I was so proud of Sezairi's performence.
he was the best among the 5 finalist and was the first to be
told tht he's in the top 4 (:
i vote for him 4 times (:
biase ah.....
Faizal was out. i'm so sorry Rabiah, it just proves tht Sezairi is Better
but honestly i think tht charles should've gone out (:
Nvr mind. Praying to god tht Charles will go out.
Sezairi keep up the good work!
ending here.
Bye (:

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