Monday, November 9, 2009

you're just feeling guilty (:

Hey guys, now i'm at the computer lab with 6A2. okay lah, not many people. but yeah tht person is still making me shit in my pants[in another term, making me angry like fcuk]again, can't wait to see her nxt saturday... AGAIN and speaking of saturdays, let me tell all of you how i'm progressing on my exams.
well on saturday, morning i went to iqra with bro and well iqra was crazy, we did lots of worksheet which was fun since we nvr had worksheet for quite a long time. Hanis was wild cause i decided to hold Afee's hand instead of hers then we started running away from each other in the class room and its kindal ike the first time i protected Afee from Hanis. lols. Madrasah was FUN FUN FUN, me and farah decided to come late and spent the few minutes talking and discussing on how to cheat when we're suppose to learn. Danish sat one table apart from me and yup we copy each other i meant more like we discussed while doing the exams. we only act nice when umi is in the class but when ustazah izzah in the clas, heck care sia. Then recess, we lepak at 399 jap then sempat chat wif bro for a while. then went to masjid to solat asar with Afee the resr cnnt. saw this cute baby. Well after solat, we got another paper and me and danish manage to have a conversation, wtf rights? but yeah then we all discussed the doa and stuff . After the exams, we suppose to meet ustz ribut to clear our oral. But most of us run away from her. well thts basically wht happened. as you can see its chaos. (: and me like it tht way. anyways, buye for now .

its great we're bck to frens, hope it'll last.

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