Thursday, November 12, 2009

you're not my dad

Danny Jones
hi peoples, today is the day for the Marina Barage outing!! We had P.E first and the 6B watched us play. Well Iqmal made fun of me because i fall when i wanted to catch the ball and then i still can score goal -.- But anything for THE TEAM (: After tht buy buy things and then we sit skejap, then miss ang spotcheck some peoples bag to see if we bring handphones. first i was talking to Kim & Nabil then suddenly she come and said "who ever has your phone pls give it up so the school will take care of it." we looked at her , then we continue talking so tht it wont be obvious. She spotcheck few people like kim, irzzat , nabil etc. She mls want to check mine cause i bring a lot of stuff then she just walk away. But i'm sure you guys know i'll bring rites? At bus we are like sitting at the bck with the nrmal peeps. Then we all kecoh at the back, the fun part was tht there were few empty seats infront of us then all the lamos and the teacher sit infront. We, take out hp, mp3/ipod then shoik sendiri. (especially Aidil & irzzat) . Reach there ms Ang ask who does not want to go for the guided tour, then all of the girls dont want to go but some boys want to go. She go pick the few boys tht dont want to go and all of the girls. I talk bck to ms ang saying tht its unfair, it should be 10 boys and 10 girls. She then scold us, and the reason we should go also because we usually bring hp. WTF? the thing tht i not happy with is tht she scold kim but not me when i was the one who started it with her. then Kim said tht we all go but then i mumbled few shit tht she said tht i still got a lot to say. then i just walk away from her. fuck her ah. She force us to go for wht, the other few boys wants to go wht. She also not my father so i never listen to her, we decided to not listen to the tour guide but everytime we want to enter a new gallery always the few bitchy people go first without consulting the tourguide. We then run away from her when the tour finish. We waited for the stick bitch to come down and then we started to play the water fountain. very funn. We played catching then we go make Atiqah and Farah wet. then they join in the action. We play spit spit. After tht wash up then have small picnic (: then we move our lazy asses up to the cafe then lepak jap after tht berangkat with the boys. then we are the first class to take off. Yanah emo emo at bus. Then i got gum by irzzat, i should have choose the other hand so tht i'll get $2 (: but gum also can. Then watch ice aged 2 finish. YAY!! 2moro CIP. i want to beg ms ang for captain ball training. gd night peeps.

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