Monday, January 25, 2010

Darn it , why am i feeling this way?

I love this Picture !! My Favorite Danny pic.

Gosh today is such a Long day.
I kinda feel sick again.

Today in the morning at the bus me and brother crack up a lot.
Gosh it was so damn fun, I was seriously laughing away in the bus and
Everyone was looking at me and bro.

Selit my bag in the class which means i was late.
Skip the assembly and also the whole period.
Recess was ermm... okay SIA ;)
After school was the best

I'm seriously getting close to Diyanah and Farhanah.
Farhanah stayed with me and we planned to meet up with Haffeq
But she malu malu.
Went to the opposite block of Haffeq's Class then we kecoh kecoh .
Farhanah was laughing at what Hanis was doing.

After that met up with Kim.
Went to Juying Sec.
Me & Hanis can't go in so we decided to explore.
Went to find a minimart since Hanis was thirsty.
Pass by few Mats that we didn't Layan

Juying Mats : *whispering* Eh, that one Jurongville kan?
Me: *mumbling to Hanis*
Juying : Ehh, Hello budak Jurongville.
Eh name ape ah??
Me & Hanis : *silence*

Went to sit at the playground since it was shady.
Watched Xing Nan Primary kid play spitting or whatever they were doing.
Hanis talked to them.
Move to another playground nearer to Juying sec.
Wait for Kim then we went off to interchange.
Took bus 30 and saw Yanah.
Sat with her and talked with her.

Wow, she's almost the same height as me :O
Went home seriously wanted to pee.
At home ALONE.
Waited for bro.

I'm seriously sick tauu.
Damn! I might not be going to school.

AHH! Kim, I seriously don't know why I'm feeling that way.

-'AiN(: 10

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