Sunday, January 24, 2010

I'm sorry.

Gosh such a boring day...

Well as you guys know, Sec 1 pupils are getting insulted by budak
oh well. Ni case tak terajar..

Well lets just talk about Saturday.
In the morning came to Iqra quite early.
Crapped with the awesome peoples

Amirah,Hanis,Farah & Fifi
Went at the back of the class and ustazah didn't seem to layan us as we
laugh and do stuff.

Read the Quran then went off to recess.
Went to recess with Afee at Prima.
we came lambat as usual.

Then we talked to this cute P1 kid .
She damn cute lah and Photogenic.

Went home jap.
had lunch then went to madrasah with
Zafira .
Went in class and we were late.
Masuk class je they all tengah kecoh buat kerje.
We start kerje.

I seriously love the ustaz. He damn funny lah he.
Farah came late.
Then we had a Project. Ustaz choose the grouping .
I was in the same group as Nabil -___________-

Went to Recess.
After recess class was being so dirty minded freaks
Malas nak dengar ustazah so I pluck in the earpiece at my phone (:

Ustazah gave us a lecture for laughing at all the dirty things.

Went home.
Study for History test. Did i mention i saw Hairi.
He's so nice. He even told me the tests and a secret.

Dah lah.

You're not showing enough.


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