Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Mummy's cooking sotong today :D

I feel sick.

Today was hrmm, a day full of headache.
I've been having headache after recess.
At class msged Irzzat.
Mother tongue got class test.

After school, ate mee soto with , Hanis , Sofinah & Farhanah
I have remedial and I came to class late.
Adyrah ask me to sit with her.
Sat with her and seriously we talk bullshit.
Ermm its Adyrah from lakeside when she was P1 & P2.

After remedial, Adyrah teman me go Jp, she went off to
Popular while I go and meet Hanis & Sofinah.
Went off to interchange.
Took bus 30.
Saw Shahirah, Afyqaah and Shafiqah.

Crapped with them at the bus.
They asked me if i wanted to lepak, but I was still having headaches so decided not to.

On the way home saw MANISHA!
Went home and crapped with bro.
did my hwk, then played comp.

To my Hot Hot Babe:


Don't think about it too much cause you still have
to focus on your studies.

" Knowing that someone you love dosent love you anymore hurts, But knowing that she was already with another guy when she says she 'loves' you hurts more. " - Ain 10.

I meant what I said but it's your life, do what you think is right kay?
I love you so so much and I don't want to see you hurt again like before.
Make the right decision for YOURSELF, not for me, Hanis , Afee or anyone else kay?
You're gonna be the one facing the consequences be it good or bad.

-'AiN 10

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