Tuesday, January 19, 2010

who's birthday was it?

Danny Jones *faints*

Lols ^^
Anyways, let me talk about TODAY!!

Today is 19 January, I think i kinda remember what i forgotten yesterday

IT WAS KIMBERLY'S BIRTHDAY!(lols, i knew that actually)

In the morning, quite late, classroom was locked-.-
I had to selit my bag inside the class.
Me & Hanis have been late this past few days.

English was, ermm no comments.
Literature was quite fun since i told the class me love

Recess was okay
Assembly was SUPERB!
They made a video using Mcfly's song! Wee~ i was super high in the
Hall. I was seriously singing -_- i know.
Five colours in her hair ~
Then my classmates started talking to me O.o
Strange much?

okay, apart from that, I can't remember the other presentation.
After school, went to JP.
Sadly today i didn't have a chance to see my bro at school ):
Shop for Carebear

Took 30

So me & Hanis went home quickly, changed to Orientation camp shirt.
Wrapped the lovely present we just bought with Sofinah.
Then went off. Met Farah at Hanis's block. She gave me
Kimmy's present.

Waited for Hanis, bought stuff at 399, then take cake and the cupcake.
Set up the table then waited for Kim to arrive.
Waited at toilet with Hanis.
Afee , as usual, a dumb ass let Kim play the swing. so me and Hanis had to sneak
Behind Kim

To throw flour at her.
Well Basically its a lot of flour throwing. (:

Played with matches along with Iqmal

Then play swing.
We made efforts to try to clean up places we dirtied.
but too bad it's not soo clean.

Went home with Kim.

At home, Called bro.
Instead of him answering, Haffeq answered the phone.
He called me bodoh so many times, FUCK YOU LAHH _l_
Oh well, idiots like him won't survive in Singapore ;)
I gave him simple answers like "yes or no"
But in conclusion, he's gay

Played comp.
And now I'm damn tired

Hoped you enjoyed what we tried to put up for you. Guess people really don't want
you to have a surprise party >< I love you lots lah Pinafore Girl


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