Thursday, February 4, 2010

I'm back bitches

I love my spongebob.

Aww I'm sorry for not updating, my comp was being a bitch for two days.
I tried my luck for today and i have internet connection!!

Blogging for my blog's sake.
Today went to school with bro and I got pissed of
Wtih this guy cause he was leaning on the pole that I was holding and I decided to
change to a different pole.
But my brother made me smile.
Haffeq was at the school gate
I can't help but to laugh at his lame face.

Saw Shamira, talked to her.
Hanis , Sofinah,Mai & Farhanah was like standing infront of of the
school gate and i was thinking of how sweet were they to have waited for me.

I really love my classmates but I love my classmates in Primary 6 more.

Zen has been so nice to me. Nashrul has been insulting a lot of people?
Hairi has been telling me lots of jokes and secrets. Haziq has been disturbing
Farhanah. Farhanah has been so so dirty minded. Diyanah has been giving me sweets in class.

Aww ^^
But seriously, I can't lie to you guys that 6E is so so better than them

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