Monday, March 8, 2010

Bus 30

see this mad-ass band?

Paramore was at Singapore Indoor Stadium!

Let me highlight the
WAS part.
The next time they come here, I'll make sure i ajak
Farah with me. I really love their music except for their latest album.
I only love some songs.
You know i still think Riot! is their best album.

I'm being a
freak ^^
Anyways, I think i lost my science, history & English textbooks.
I'll die tomorrow.
But i'm freaking scared if i lose them.
Cause ermm, idk why i'm scared.
Wait, cause they are like textbooks and you don't lose textbooks!

Okay apart from that devastating news,
Let me see, I irritated
Zen today by tellng him that
Jing wen said to Kim at tuition that he was ermm "HOT"

Zen : Eh, what you mean by hot?
Hot as in I'm warm or...

Me : Hot as in you're 'sexy'
then me and
Farhanah laughed at him.

He kept on blushing lols!

Okay today was one of my best days in Jurongville.
First ermm, I spent 2 hours of FUN!
Okay maybe today was the only day i enjoyed DnT.
Kept on going to studio 1 because i had to buffer my cat.

I got scared of the machine cause if you dont do
it carefully, It will blow off you're 'cat' and its tail will be
I kept on disturbing
Agnes about Zen.
Zen about Agnes.
wait, its the same thing.
Okay nevermind.

After that was live lessons which was
total bullshit.
After school went with
Farhanah since i can't wait for
Hanis cause i had solidworks.
Canteen , ate.
Saw creepy seniors, disturbed
Agnes again.

Walked around school.
Saw my
scary cousin,
Ermm, never talked to him before.
He's scary.
But he talks to my brother,

Okay after that, went to library to waste less than 10 minutes before
Solidworks starts.
Read ghoststories, then came in.
Zen kept on asking me to sit beside him or near him.
He kept on asking when we will go out.
lols, and i can't believe
Aloyscious belived that.

Solidworks ended and
Hanis was waiting for me.
Went home with
Hanis and Zen, crapped at the bus.
Before that,
at canteen saw
Haffeq then i waved at him. so damn gay of me.


ending here.

-'Ain 10

Abang Hafis , where are we going?

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