Thursday, May 20, 2010

Favourite phrase

My favourite phrase from Paramore - The Only Exception.

Well, today was overall FUN?
Hahaha, Decided to update to keep this bloggie alive.
Well, today was THE DAY!
I had student councillor(?) interview
and I was FUCKING nervous.

I took Mai's advice by going to the toilet first.
And I like my Convo with Haffeq.
I was ending my interview when suddenly he came.

Haffeq: I'm HERE!
Me: Okayyyyyyyy!
Student Councillor : Okay, you can go now.
Haffeq: Wait, finish already!?
Me: Yahhhhh.
Haffeq: Aww
Me: Ahahahahah, LOSER!!
Haffeq: Its okay, you won't pass your test.
Me: It's okay, I don't mind (:
Then I closed the door and I ran back to 2N1.

Everyone was asking how I did, and I told them I did badly.
But apart from that, Shamira and Asyiqin went Crazy
and Random. OMG, What's happening to my Seniors?
Farhanah also join.
Went home with Shamira and RedBunny.

Shobanah did a sweet thing for me, She helped me clean my wound
And totally freaked out when actually I was suppose to
freak out! HAHAHA! Aww, Shobanah rocks\m/

(" Lalala, I really want be Student Leader with my RedBunny!")

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