Saturday, June 26, 2010

It's all ending ):

Reach for the stars but keep your feet on the ground - Hafis 

Actually I was back yesterday.
Yesterday was graduation party!!
I was suppose to be the choir but Eugene begged the percussion junior to play, 
so as a good junior, I shall listen to my senior ;)
I swear to god the graduation party ROCKED!
Except for the fact that the drums killed my ears and that the seniors have to move on ):
I really enjoyed the whole party.
I've going back home with MAZIDANEYY
She's super FUNN!!
Just now was funny seyh.

Oh, and you guys know right, that just now rain like damn heavy, the school's
parade square  was super flooded!

Very flooded. 
I really am starting to love Band.
We are all like a family and I say Thank you for the music to all the Sec 4 Seniors.
Even though I don't really know them, they've been a great help while having sectionals.
They are all super duper talented in playing all the percussion instruments and
I feel proud to see them play. 

Next year will be Eugene, Gilda and Jing Xi 's year. Then the only senior I have will be Haidil.
Wahh, Percussion really decreasing sey.
OMG, Without Jing Xi will be very very boring !
Haiyo must have fun with all of them this year. And must listen to what they say.
Well, I'll end my post here then.

 I think I'm liking Super Junior (:
Eunhyuk and Donghae \m/

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