Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Jonghyun, Eunhyuk & Donghae ♥


Today I'm really tired.
And I feel so fucked up.
Today went for tchoukball try out. 
I'm not sure if I want join a not but we write our name already.
I wanted netball instead. :(

I wanna try to convince Farhanah to go try out for netball.
But I damn tired now and I've been getting scolded by my dad this few days 
and I get fucking pissed ah.
WTF seyh?

Well anyways , I told you guys that I like Jonghyun from SHINee right?
Well, I have another confession to make, I like Eunhyuk and Donghae from Super Junior. xD

Omg, one of the best dancers, I think he's like freaking COOL!
He can dance like super good eh!!
Wahh, everytime I watch the Sorry sorry MV, I always look for his solo part. (:
Hehehe, me and Elaine Neo Yi Lin going to share Eunhyuk (Y)

Omg, he's like Cute!! I like when he dances with Eunhyuk, 
They're like a good pair and suprisingly both of them are like super good dancers.
Donghae is like cuter than Eunhyuk but Eunhyuk more Cooler than him.
Sorry sorry MV, I like to see him dance together with Eunhyuk .
It's like so cool!! They both can dance damn good sey!

I'm currently pissed at my parents but since I've been talking about dearest Donghae and Eunhyuk ,
I feel much much better (:
So I feel like I wanna talk about KIM JONGHYUN again.

Okay I know I've posted this picture before but well, I like this picture ;)
Jonghyun is from SHINee even though I think it'll be cool if he were
to join Super Junior, he is like the funniest out of all the 5 members.
Not only is he funny, but he's like damn sarcastic which makes him COOLER!
And he likes bling bling $.$ Some of the reasons why he dyed his hair blonde.(He dyed it brown back [N])
He is like super cool and apart from Minho, he is like one of the good looking guys in SHINee.
Well, he also has a very nice voice.(Y)

Wehee, now I feel much better (:
I won't share Jonghyun, Donghae or Danny Jones.
I'm currently sharing Eunhyuk with Ms Elaine Neo and I will not Share him with Afee.
Afee's crazy with her Shin Dong xD
But Shin Dong cool eh. He good dancer (Y)

Anyways, gonna end this post here. 
Stay healthy and goodnight ;)

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