Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Donghae Madness

Wehee, Back to update.
Today, I've accomplished a mission ; I've made my bag look super cool, My bag has everything that's got 
to do with Lee Donghae. And I finally have a Super Junior file!!
Okay okay, so today in the morning I was pissed off with some big issue at home
And I was crying on the way to school and I think Farhanah noticed that I wasn't too happy, 
Thanks Farhanah, you really understand me today. I doubt you read this blog anyways xP
After that, I kinda remained quite for the 2 periods before recess, but after recess, it was okay.
Swimming, had to change instructor and the girl's weren't too happy about that, I don't like
the new instructor, they very slack. Never teach us how to swim.

After swimming, walked to the bus-stop with Farhanah & Diyana, and then took
187 with them since I wanna go JP with Farhanah.
I think Diyana went home or something, cause she stopped at lakeside.
So At jp, eat with Farhanah at mac then decided to meet mum and Aunt and Farhanah went home.
Well, I get to buy loads of SuJu stuff and apart from that I bought a new earpiece.
I hate today ALOT.
I wanted to buy this super cool thick note book and my mum didn't allow.
I mean, I wanted to buy using my own money and so I'm gonna go popular tomorrow 
after remedial with Farhanah to go buy that, and I need a new Yellow marker pen.

And there was this old lady who smiled at me while I was sitting at Banquet with my mum and Aunt.
This old lady told me that her grandchild was in the same school as me ; Jurongville.
I was like " Oh," then smiles.
She sat next to me then when we were alone, she asked me wether I knew her grandchild, and I was smilling 
and " Ermm, nope , sorry , I don't know them." She said when she saw me 
she thoueght that she rcognised me because of my uniform. Wow, she remembers her grandchild's school
uniform. I wonder if MY Grandma would have remembered how my school uniform is like, I doubt she does.

Well, weird incident but yeah. Followed the 2 of them shopping all the way until 8.40 then went home I realised that I've missed The Noose, Bummer.
I hate missing The Noose. and it's the last episode, this makes the day even worst. _l_
Decorated my bag til 10pm then decided to switch on the computer. And now I'm VERY VERY TIRED.
I feel sick. I don't feel so well and I hate today apart from decorating my bag and having a picture of Donghae as my bookmark and having Super Junior's photo in my wallet. I hate how today turned out.
I hope tomorrow will be better ( Fat chance)

Early in the morning - Damn pissed, plus I spilled water on my uniform and have to go to school with it.
At school - Boring as hell, since I didn't have the mood to enjoy.
Recess - got a bit better
Assembly - Got hyper with Farhanah, Diyana & Qistina.
Science - pissed with Miss Gan cause she blamed me for talking when we're discussing on the important things.
Swimming - Had to change instructor and I hate my new instructor.
At J.P - Can't even do a proper shopping and I can't have that cool notebook. But I'll have it by tomorrow hopefully.
At home - Fucking tired and I want to sleep.

I suddenly have this urge to give my Eunhyuk keychain to Elaine. But I asked her about it on facebook 
and she said that it wasn't neccesary. So I'll hang Eunhyuk along with Donghae at my bag and they'll be
happy peoples. Eunhyuk + Donghae = Eunhae!

I didn't go for band practise yesterday and I HAVE to go on Thursday if not I'm dead.
I felt bad for leaving Batrisya all alone but she told me that she enjoyed the whole practise.
I doubt I will.

Bye readers, night night (:

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