Wednesday, August 11, 2010

I'm at fault yeah?

I'm as clean as ever.

I'm not that happy. And I'm sorry everything is in a mess.
Everything that goes wrong, I'm at fault yeah?
Here's one post for you.

Hey, there. You've changed ALOT. I can't believe it though. Please stop breaking people's heart. First you break Haziq's heart, then me & Kim, then Farhanah after that Sofina . Then who else? Syeirkhan? I have nothing against Syeirkhan but you make him look as though he's the reason that you've changed. Maybe he has been restricting you but you have the right to tell him what's best for YOU! You're killing me. No point of breaking with Yan infront of all of us. You don't have to prove anything to us. I just don 't know you anymore. Thanks for the awesome memories.I'll always remember what we've enjoyed in 2009. Thanks alot for going so far with me and I've appreciate all the awesome things. I know you don't need me anymore. I miss us being happy together and sharing great memories. But, promise me one thing., don't break anymore hearts PLEASE. I've always wanted to tell you this but you're too busy with your Baby S. And yeah yeah, I'm talking about you, yeah you, Hanis Dhaniyah Bte Sulaiman.

Bye, gonna end here, too much emotions stirring up in me. I'm in tears now.
Bye. Sorry. Seriously, Sorry.


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