Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Speaking of...

Hello! Hanis made a dedication for me :)
I doubt you guys can see it so just click her pic at my Afilliates area.
I was reading her post and I saw that she was thanking everyone who calmed her down
And I was like thinking to myself, "WTH? I helped her calm down....." When suddenly I saw
That pic, I shut myself with a huge GRIN :)

Kim has been a very very sweet sister to me. here's why.
 Wait you guys probably can't see it clearly but, she's very sweet ya'know?
Anyways today after Science sup, went window shopping with Farhanah.
After that sent her to interchange then went to go shop for raye stuff with mummy and
yeap I know I know, it's all last minute.
Anyways I saw Afee and she said hi to me. Aww, my lil brother being so matured .
Mummy was about to buy me hair dye even though she said that, my hair
is a little too dry for it NOW.
Crap I didn't know that she'll actually let me use it. xD
I was like, Even if I bought it, you won't let me use it. :(
Then mummy was like, Nah ,your hair is a lil too dry so after your hair is okay,
then we'll buy you that. :DDD
I was smilling on the inside. 

I'm gonna dye my hair a bright shade of brown by the end of this year.
Speaking of late 2010, my goal for this year is to get money to buy my dream phone since forever,

Speaking of corby pro, I've been like playing with Norul's everytime in madrasah.
If I don't get to play Fatiha's iPhone, then I'll be touching Norul's Corby Pro.
And Seaking of Norul, I saw her yesterday at Geylang!
She tickled me and I turned behind and her mum was like " Eh?"
I smiled and was like whining/shouting? "Norul!!" :D
She's awesome, I shall disturb her on the next time I see her.
I pretty much love Samsung to the MAX!
Everything Yellow \m/

I really want to wear nail polish badly. Like wear them infront of my parents but
I have no guts to do that.
And plus, I miss both my brothers, being the only child isn't that fun.
I need my brothers, I feel like breaking down and cry all by myself.
I feel so bad that I've been a spoilt little sister to them and Idk why I'm saying this but I'm freaking lucky to
be having my eldest brother back by Hari Raya.
If not I shall rot to death being alone at the backseat of the car.
Brother going to NS - Pure sadness and grieve. :'(

Anyways, I hate my hair now.
It's so flat. :/
Boo flat hair, I guess I'll have to tease it.
Teasing = spoilt hair, Oh damn it.
6E 2009! Okay, I miss these guys here.
And I miss my frindge :(
Go figure out where I'm at.
I really want back my old frindge please.
I would love to do a treatment for my super dry hair. and my mum is allowing that,
She says I'm being matured as to take good care of my looks so she'll allow it, 
Apprently, I've been trying to convince her to let me use the nail polish and it's NOT WORKING!
God, darn it.

Anyways, life in Jurongville? Pretty much okay.
I love 1N1 and Farhanah has been awesome.
Maisyirah is always there for me when I need her.
Sofina,Random yet caring little fire engine player.
Hanis, ermm, Awesome RedBunny? Idk. :\
Shobanah, understanding sister, thanks babe. Saranghae.
Dasfina, my hubby (L) Thanks for being crazy. 
Diyana,Yellow birdie, you small little fellow. Anyways I'm not a giraffe, I'm a LION, ROAR.
Ezrin, my awesome gossip abang. Sorry to make you cry on that day :P You burnt your hand so it wasn't my fault.( I know you didn't cry)
Elaine, My Daughter and my Eunhae partner. Since she love Eunhyuk and I love Donghae, We both are big fans of Eunhae. AHHHH! GO EUNHAE!

Apart form those people, 
Kimberly, my awesome awesome sister. You're even more awesome than her ;) I love you.
Yanah, my Corby partner, sad to say, I WANT to change phone but I might not be changing xD
Mimi, Hey you! Wahh, IMYTTM. I miss talking about FOB, PATD but seriously, those band s just died infront of us. How sad :(
Fifi, my mummy, I love you, you're always there to comfort me and layan me on every saturday. I love you.
Afee, My lil bro, I miss those times I layaned you properly and I miss those times I bullied you. K-pop is awesome, sorry to have judge them wrongly.

Speaking of K-Pop, I think Donghae is like super duper CUTE!
Lee Donghae is my oppa ;)

I like T-ara now. Bo peep.
I've been singing that song just now. And HYUNA! She's awesome, her dancing skills are just pure Awesome.She's great. 
I'm bored so I'm just gonna write this.

Fave SNSD members.

Fave SuJu members.

Just now, while browsing through the phone shop, I heard Gee being played and I was like singing to myself
And Farhanah just sang the Gee gee gee gee baby baby part.
Lol. Crazy.

I swear to god I've put in ALOT of effort to make this a nice post,
Must tag!! 
and too all muslim readers out there. 

Thanks guys, 
Nighty night.

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