Tuesday, September 14, 2010


I will never have the heart to kill animals, especially my lions.
I love this picture 
Yesterday I was halfway thru a post when suddenly my dad told me to shut down the computer.

This will be a short post since I'm not feeling well.

Today, School was overall okay.
I suddenly went sick half way thru the lesson.
I did not go to remedial since shobby made me feel lonely and also IAMNOTFEELINGWELL!

Went to JP, then while waiting for Farhanah to go buy her food at mac, saw KIMMY!
So they went on with us.
Then while walking ot the library, we saw... YANAH and fahmi -____________-
Long nails and long finger asshole = Fahmi.
Then went library get scolded ,went out, then interrogate people then find Yanah then went to 327 then
sat at the small bench? Then chat with Kimmy and Yanah.
Then we went home.

Oh, I've been writting this on a piece of paper at class, it's a sentence that describes me so so well ;)
Here's how it goes;
 Hi, my name is Ain 10 and I'm AWESOME

I'm sorry but I'm too nice. Come to think of it,
Kimmy and the others were right, I shouldn't have been nice to you.
If I were to have a big big ego I'd definitely say this;
I guess I'm too good for you then.
But you're my bestfriend, and I'll forgive you for this, but it dosen't mean that we'll still remain as
bestfriends, remember that. :\

Plus, yeap, she ripped off the story and changed most of it.
But still, I'm too nice to get angry for that NOW.
I've calmed myself down.

Okay, I have to go now, gonna eat, take panadol then rest and if I'm still having fever,
I won't be going to school tomorrow, and If I don't,
hehehehe, sorry band ;)

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