Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Fucked up playlist.

This is how I'm feeling now.
Fucked up playlist.
I swear to god, the fucking playlist is the only thing that I've put a lot of effort to make a new blog today.
Anyways, I love my new skin.
I don't ever want to change it :DD
The big Donghae pic is fucking loved.
Anyways, I'll have to go now.
I'm afraid my parents will scream at me if they found out that I'm still playing comp at this time.
P.S I downloaded 140+ pics of Donghae today, am I amazing or what?
I love Donghae to the MAX.
I miss Totto-chan family, gonna embarress the fuck out of me with them tomorrow.
finally meeting them after a long long holiday.
Bye bye.
To leave any questions at my formspring (it's new ;) )

It's not even playing, how fucked up can this get?!

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